Below Deck Down Under's Adam Might Be The Wildest Casting Choice In Franchise History

How to describe Bravo TV's "Below Deck" franchise? Think of it as "The Love Boat" meets "Jersey Shore" meets "Real Housewives." In other words, it's high drama on the high seas, coming both from the guests and the crew. The OG series was so popular that it's already spawned spin-offs, including "Below Deck Down Under," in which we follow a luxury yacht as it cruises the spectacular waters of Australia. Season 2 of "Down Under" just dropped on July 17, and already it's getting major chatter online. 


Is "Below Deck" real or staged? Well...a little of both. While the captain and a few other key crew members are legit (the ship does need experts to get from Point A to Point B, after all), other staffers, such as the deckhands and "stews" (stewards), are hired specifically for the show. Let's just say some of the performers working on the ship are more landlubbers than sailors — and one, in particular, stands out. 

New to the crew is deckhand Adam Kodra (also credited as Lukasciewicz). According to Bravo, Kodra is a Capricorn (and a New Year's Eve baby, at that), who enjoys playing rugby and skateboarding when he's not onboard. He touts Fitzroy Island, Australia, as his favorite charter destination. But there are some other, more surprising, aspects to Kodra that might just make him the most unlikely "Deck" member of them all (and that's saying a lot).


Adam isn't exactly at home on the ocean

The excitement is already building over "Below Deck Down Under" Season 2. Fans are swooning over the return of hunky Captain Jason — a worthy successor to Capt. Lee — and Aesha is determined to hold her own as Chief Stew. But it's newcomer Adam Korda (Lukasiewicz) who's getting lots of buzz, but for unexpected reasons. 


For one thing, the New Yorker has only been working in the yachting business for a year. For another, he's not what you'd call at home on the open seas: As he confessed to Bravo, "I get seasick." Per Reality Tea, that's only the beginning: In the premiere episode, as the deckhands steadied the Northern Sun for docking, Korda admitted he's so afraid of water that he never actually learned to swim. He joked about bribing his swim coach $20 to pass him (and that is a joke, right?). A Twitter follower commented, "Adam gets seasick, afraid of water, and can't swim? Can't imagine that won't be a"

Korda also showed a questionable — and some might say downright dangerous — lack of professionalism one night by going to bed and leaving the deck unsupervised, leading to trouble when two obnoxious guests decided to defy Aesha's warnings and go for a night swim. "How did Luke not leave someone on anchor watch?"moaned a Twitter fan. "Even I know a deckie must be on overnight!" Will this newbie deckie get his act together, or is this maiden voyage also his last? We can't wait to find out.


