What Happened To BevBoy After Shark Tank?

You may remember the BeverageBoy — also known as the BevBoy — from "Shark Tank." The product was a foam koozie with a weighted "tail" of sorts sticking out from the bottom to keep the drink afloat while you lounge in the water. Because of BevBoy's design and the nature of how it works, the company's mascot was an otter.


Entrepreneur Kevin Waltermire pitched the BevBoy to the Sharks in Season 6 and asked for a $50,000 investment for 15% equity in the company. Waltermire brought a visual aid for his demonstration — a man in a portable pool. After spilling his friend's drink, Waltermire unveiled the BevBoy to the sharks and showed how it worked.

The BevBoy sales numbers at the time, around $10,500 for 2,500 sold, and the fact that Waltermire did not bring order forms to a trade show where he advertised the BevBoy caused three of the sharks — Mark Cuban, Kevin O'Leary, and Robert Herjavec — to swim away from the deal. That left two sharks to battle it out: Lori Greiner and Daymond John.

Waltermire negotiated a deal — but it did not pan out

Not every product can be supported by all five "Shark Tank" judges like Eyewris was. However, Kevin Waltermire was first given two identical deals during his "Shark Tank" appearance. Shark Lori Greiner offered a $50,000 investment, but she wanted almost three times as much equity — 40% instead of 15%. Shark Daymond John offered the same deal as Greiner. Waltermire countered, asking them to decrease the equity to 30%. Greiner said she would, only if she could work it out to sell the BevBoy at Walmart and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. John said he would not drop to 30%, but Waltermire convinced him to change his deal to 35% equity. A deal between John and Waltermire was made!


Despite its innovation, the BevBoy did not become one of "Shark Tanks" most successful products. In fact, the deal with John ultimately did not go through. According to the Shark Tank Tales website, the BevBoy company has since gone out of business.

BevBoy's social media pages have not been updated in years

BevBoy still has pages on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook, but none of them have been updated for several years. The social media accounts are linked to two official URLs for BevBoy, but as of 2023, one of them does not connect anywhere. The other website is now home to a collection of blog posts with well-wishes for various lifetime milestones — such as engagements, graduations, moving to a new house, and so on, penned by an anonymous poster who goes by Beverage Girl.


Because of all that, a BevBoy revival seems unlikely, but it is not impossible. Kevin Waltermire's LinkedIn page mentions his founding of BeverageBoy back in 2013 and still has him listed as the company founder and president, so perhaps there will be a comeback one day. Waltermire also has a founder credit from 2015 on his for a company called MusicBoxx, but it does not seem to have taken off yet either.

