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The Warning Melania Trump Once Gave Donald About His Behavior

Before Donald Trump even stepped foot inside the White House, his presidential campaign was marked by controversy. Much of the media craze surrounding him had to do with several outlandish and inappropriate comments that he made, particularly those directed toward women. However, of all of Trump's offensive remarks, one in particular allegedly sent his wife Melania into a fit of rage. During a 2005 interview with Access Hollywood, Trump was caught on a hot mic saying one of his most infamous lines to date. When speaking about randomly kissing women against their consent, he explicitly shared that he didn't mind violating them.


"You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything," he said, adding that he could  'Grab 'em by the p***y.  You can do anything." According to those close to Trump and an explosive biography, the former First Lady issued him a stark warning about his behavior, telling him it could end his burgeoning political career. 

Melania Trump warned her husband that he might lose the election

When the vulgar recording of Donald Trump's "Access Hollywood" off-the-cuff comments to host Billy Bush surfaced in October 2016, Melania Trump was seemingly furious. Washington Post reporter Mary Jordan documented the First Lady's reaction in the book "The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump." In an excerpt obtained by CBS News, Mrs. Trump scolded her husband after she was finally informed of his remarks.


"Now you could lose. You could have blown this for us," Melania reportedly told the businessman-turned-politician. Per the excerpt, Melania was one of the few who believed he had an actual shot at winning the presidency, while others viewed Trump's campaign as nothing more than a publicity stunt. Following the tape coming to light, writer Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who wrote a separate book called "Melania and Me" which detailed their friendship, also shed light on the former model's response.

"If it weren't for this, there would be no question, he would win,'" Wolkoff claimed her former bestie told her via a report in The Times.

Melania Trump defended her husband's behavior in public, calling his comments boy talk

Despite the drama surrounding Donald Trump's attempt at the presidential seat in 2016, Melania Trump stood firmly by his side. When the shocking "​​Grab 'em by the p***y" footage emerged, Mrs. Trump dismissed the way her spouse spoke about women, calling it nothing more than immature male banter.


"The boys, the way they talk when they grow up, and they want to sometimes show each other, 'Oh, this and that,' and talking about the girls. But yes, I was surprised, of course," Melania explained in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper. She went on to joke that it felt like she was raising two children at home — her husband and their son Barron Trump. Still, Melania did make it clear that Trump's words were unacceptable, as they did not represent the man she once fell in love with.

Despite the Billy Bush chat that nearly cost Trump the election, he managed to become president. With multiple scandals plaguing him, Melania kept a relatively low profile once they entered the White House. As the devout Republican gears up to run once more, she is keeping away from the spotlight. Sources close to the pair told People that Melania is now deeply troubled by Trump's new legal battle, but supporters shouldn't expect her to stand in the line of fire any time soon, as she is reportedly trying to find her own peace as the two head back to the U.S. Capitol.


