Kate Middleton's Dog Helped Her Pick Prince George's Name

Choosing a baby name can be a daunting task with so many options and a level of permanence to consider. However, for someone in the royal family, like Kate Middleton, it's even more tricky. Aside from the fact that they were in charge of naming the future of the monarchy, the Princess of Wales and her husband, Prince William, also had to select a name for their first child that was grounded in tradition. "Family links are tremendously important in this. You want a name that resonates, a name that's got family links and is popular," royal commentator Richard Fitzpatrick told BBC News following the birth of Kate and William's third son, Prince Louis.


Indeed, choosing names for her children was a process that Kate has been open about. In October 2022, she took a tour at Royal Surrey County Hospital, where she talked with some moms, according to People magazine. "She just really talked about her own children, including how they chose their names. A lot of the new mums and dads are thinking about how to choose names for their babies, and they spoke with her about how Kate and William made their choice," deputy director of Midwifery Amy Stubbs said. "She said they were their favorite names and that obviously, the world was waiting for them to name their children — and that felt like quite a big pressure," she added. As it turns out, Kate reportedly got some baby naming help from an unlikely source: her dog.


Prince William and Kate Middleton had a list of favorite names

When the time came for Kate Middleton and Prince William to choose a name for their first-born son, they came up with a few options that they both liked, according to The Sunday Times. Rather than, say, flip a coin, the Prince and Princess of Wales decided to enlist the help of Lupo — the family dog. The report indicates that the mom- and dad-to-be wrote some names down on a piece of paper and allowed their English cocker spaniel to choose the name based on which one her paw landed on — alas, Prince George was born. The meaning of the name George is "farmer" in Greek, according to The Bump. The name is also very traditional, and there have been several Georges in the royal family before him. Moreover, St. George is the patron saint of England. According to the Mirror, Kate also really liked the name Alexander, but apparently, Lupo wasn't feeling the same.


Lupo was a big part of the Cambridge family and even found himself posing for photos with his human siblings. However, the pup died in November 2020. "Very sadly, last weekend our dear dog, Lupo, passed away. He has been at the heart of our family for the past nine years, and we will miss him so much," William and Kate captioned an Instagram photo at the time.

Kate Middleton and Prince William's kids all have names with special meanings

Prince William and Kate Middleton chose the name Charlotte for the second child. According to the Daily Mail, the name was chosen in honor of William's father, King Charles. The second Cambridge child also has two middle names: Elizabeth Diana. These were chosen to honor her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, who died in September 2022, and Diana, her late grandmother, William's mother, Princess Diana, who died in 1997. 


In 2018, another bouncing baby boy made the Cambridge's a family of five — and another name needed to be chosen. This time, the Prince and Princess of Wales went with the name Louis. Hello! magazine reported that the name is a nod to Prince Philip's uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, as well as his maternal grandfather, Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg. The youngster's full name, Louis Arthur Charles, holds a great deal of tradition. The name Arthur is a middle name given to both William and King Charles, while the name Charles is an obvious sign in honor of Louis' grandfather. As for whether or not Kate and William will have any more children, it seems they are content at three. In April, Kate visited The Baby Bank, where she sorted through some infant clothes, according to Express. During her time there, Kate made a small yet telling comment about having another little one. "I've been there and done that," she said. And so it would seem that her days of naming children are behind her.


