Donald Trump's Reaction To Hunter Biden Tax Charges Is Totally On-Brand

While it's undoubtedly not easy for anyone to live in the spotlight of being a member of the first family, President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden has had to deal with a lot. Hunter has opened up about some of his biggest controversies, including the drama surrounding a laptop that may or may not be his and that may or may not contain proof of Joe Biden's corruption. He's also had a somewhat tumultuous personal life: he dated his brother's widow for a time, and Hunter has shared some heartbreaking details about his battle with addiction. He's also been under investigation by the Department of Justice since 2018, per CNN. The investigation focused on potential financial crimes in his business dealings, and that investigation has finally come to a close, resulting in several charges.


Hunter will plead guilty to two misdemeanors over not filing his federal taxes; he will likely face probation and not jail time for those charges. In addition to his guilty plea, a felony charge for illegally possessing a firearm while in active drug addiction in 2018 will be resolved. This has, somewhat predictably, set off Donald Trump, who took to his social media platform Truth Social to vent his anger about Hunter's charges.

Donald Trump thinks the DOJ is going easy on Hunter Biden

After news of Hunter Biden's charges, Donald Trump posted on Truth Social about how unfair he thought the situation was: "Wow! The corrupt Biden DOJ just cleared up hundreds of years of criminal liability by giving Hunter Biden a mere 'traffic ticket.' Our system is BROKEN!" He didn't stop there. Trump also spoke with Fox News about the situation, saying: "It is a disgrace to the system, it is a disgrace to America, it is a very unfair situation, it is prosecutorial misconduct, and it is election interference — all wrapped up into one." If one of his kids faced such charges, Trump complained that they'd get "hundreds of years" behind bars instead of probation.


Trump is no fan of the DOJ, particularly recently, considering that they brought 37 federal charges against him regarding his mishandling of classified material and obstruction of justice when the government tried to get the documents back. He pleaded not guilty. When he was president, Trump pushed for the DOJ to support him in saying that the 2020 election was corrupt and to prosecute Hillary Clinton, among others.

