Prince Harry's First Outing Since Controversial Court Testimony Sees Him Return To US In Good Spirits

Prince Harry's phone hacking trial certainly made waves last week, as the Duke appeared in court to tell his side of the story when it comes to how he's been treated by the media. There were plenty of confessions from Harry's court testimony that have some folks seeing him differently and empathizing more than ever with what it's been like to grow up in the public eye. Of course, though, this isn't likely to make the paparazzi lighten up too much when it comes to snapping plenty of pics of all members of the royal family — Harry and Meghan Markle, in particular.


Luckily, the latest photo of Harry to surface shows us something positive. In the wake of his trial in the U.K., Harry has returned to the U.S., which he now calls home. And, it's clear based on the footage that the duke is happy to be home and seems to be doing well in the midst of his painful and difficult trial.

Prince Harry attends the Warrior Games the week following his court testimony

On June 12th, Prince Harry was photographed in San Diego among the crowd at the Warrior Games. These games, which are held by the Department of Defense, allow hurt or injured military personnel and veterans to compete in various games and adaptive sports to showcase their skills and aid in healing (per DOD Warrior Games). As a proud veteran, it's easy to see why the Duke of Sussex would be eager to support the cause.


Harry was watching the seated volleyball competition and chatting with those around him, many of whom were there supporting friends and family members who were competing in the games themselves. Later, Harry posed with United States Special Operations Command veterans who had taken home gold medals from the games. It's clear that Prince Harry enjoys the Warrior Games, and this year's games, in particular, were important for the duke. They mark one decade since Harry first attended the 2013 games and was inspired to create his own version for the U.K. Harry said, "I have witnessed first-hand how the power of sport can positively impact the lives of wounded, injured and sick Servicemen and women in their journey of recovery" (via He then created the Invictus Games in 2014. Harry and Meghan Markle attended the last Invictus Games in April 2022 in the Netherlands, and it's safe to say that they'll be front and center at the next one this September.


