Royal Insider Makes Heartbreaking Claims About Queen Elizabeth's Final Days

In her 70 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth made a remarkable contribution to history. When she reached the milestone of Britain's longest-serving monarch, Elizabeth reaffirmed, "my life will always be devoted to your service," per the royal family's website. Even as the queen's health problems made headlines beginning in fall 2021, she kept up with royal responsibilities as best as she could. Increasingly, Elizabeth had to defer more frequently to other senior royals, such as when King Charles presided over the official opening of Parliament in May 22. In order to provide maximum flexibility, Buckingham Palace opted to make decisions on the queen's royal outings as last-minute as possible. This strategy added excitement to the queen's appearance on the royal balcony at the conclusion of the platinum jubilee festivities. 


Elizabeth wasn't seen much during her summer at Balmoral, but on September 6, 2022, the queen made headlines when she met with then-Prime Minister Liz Truss in Scotland for the kissing of hands ceremony. Two days later, the world was shocked to learn the news of her death. While the queen's death certificate listed the reason as "old age," in his book "Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait," author Gyles Brandreth cited rumors that the cause was a type of bone marrow cancer. Regardless of the specific cause, a friend of Elizabeth's says the queen was dealing with pain and cognitive difficulties at the end of her life.

Queen Elizabeth carried out her royal duties despite reported pain and health challenges

Due to her personal philosophy "never complain, never explain," royal fans had no idea what was going on behind the scenes as Queen Elizabeth performed her royal duties. "The queen was in a lot of pain," one of Elizabeth's friends told The Daily Beast, which escalated towards the end. In addition, "by the time of the Platinum Jubilee (June 2022), she couldn't see very much, she couldn't hear very much, and she was easily confused." Still Elizabeth carried out her public commitments, although as her friend conceded, "Appearing on the balcony at the jubilee required a titanic effort."


According to "Our King" by Robert Jobson, King Charles persuaded the queen to join the family on the balcony. Given her pain and mobility issues that day, the queen relied on a wheelchair up to the balcony entrance, then switched to a walking stick. However, when it came to meeting with incoming prime minister Liz Truss, it was the queen who persuaded everyone she had to participate. "It's my job," she insisted, per Jobson's book. 

It appears Elizabeth's final days had their ups and downs. In contrast with her friend's claims of declining cognitive ability to the Daily Beast, Rev. Dr. Iain Greenshields got a different impression when he visited Elizabeth days before her death. "Her memory was absolutely amazing and she was really full of fun," he informed The Times. Despite her struggles, Greenshields observed the queen "genuinely laughing and very much enjoying having her family."


Queen Elizabeth spent her last days in a place she loved

After dedicating the majority of her life to caring for and running her country, it's heartbreaking, yet fitting to hear the late monarch spent her final days doing her best to carry out her duties. Despite the difference of opinion on how Queen Elizabeth II felt in her final days, one thing remains clear: she passed away in a place that gave her comfort. 


According to the Balmoral Castle website, the Scotland manor has been the favorite vacation home for visiting royals since its Prince Albert purchased the property in 1852. Its sprawling grounds and scenic forestry make the castle a stunning place to stay. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip would spend their summers there and would often invite other family members to enjoy the beautiful location. Per Hello!, Princess Eugenie explained that the royal family, especially Elizabeth, adored being at Balmoral Castle. "It's the most beautiful place on earth. I think Granny is the most happy there. I think she really, really loves the Highlands," Eugenie said. 

As the royal family's official Twitter posted, Queen Elizabeth "died peacefully" at her beloved Scottish home. 


