General Hospital Relationship Timeline: Spencer And Trina

While actor Nicholas Bechtel was synonymous with a young Spencer Cassadine on "General Hospital," he ultimately left the show in January 2020. Spencer later returned as an adult in July 2021, now portrayed by Nicholas Chavez, who continues to occupy the role today. Trina Robinson was initially played by Tiana Le in 2017, then recast with Sydney Mikayla in 2019, and is currently being portrayed by Tabyana Ali as of March 2022. Spencer was away at a boarding school in Europe and during that time his father, Nikolas Cassadine (then Tyler Christopher), grew close to Ava Jerome (Maura West). 


However, Nikolas was presumed dead when Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) shot him and he fell off a balcony into the ocean, in 2016. Although Spencer had bonded somewhat with Ava, he felt she double-crossed him when Ava sided with Valentin instead of testifying in court that he shot Nikolas. To make matters worse, Nikolas eventually turned up alive (then Marcus Coloma), pretending to have been dead for three years, and he and Ava eventually got married. 

An angry Spencer vowed to split them up, and he tasked his then-girlfriend, Esme Prince (Avery Pohl), with helping him. He returned to Port Charles, and the two plotted some pranks against Ava. Esme, though, took things a little too far when she lit Ava's car on fire and left the hospital ID of her dead daughter, Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin), nearby.


Spencer told Trina his name was Victor

Meanwhile, a masked Spencer had broken into Ava's art gallery and was caught by Trina who threw a remote control at him, triggering a trap he had set — fake blood poured out of the sprinkler system, soaking Trina. Spencer later snuck into the Savoy nightclub during a graduation party for Trina, and when the two met, he told her his name was Victor. They subsequently headed to the park, and when Trina wanted him to meet her friends, Cameron Webber (William Lipton) and Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy), he made an excuse to go get some water bottles and didn't come back. 


Trina didn't know that Victor was really Spencer, who had grown up with Cam and Joss. Spencer later found Trina and apologized. Eventually, the truth came out, and Victor was revealed to be Spencer, who apologized again for his deception, and the two were drawn to each other. He threw a party at his home, Wyndemere mansion on Spoon Island, and Trina was shocked when Esme showed up to tell everyone she was Spencer's girlfriend. 

Esme eventually became jealous of Trina, so she set up a situation in which she recorded Cam and Joss' first time sleeping together and had it sent to everyone at their college, framing Trina in the process. While Spencer outwardly stated that Trina was guilty, he secretly knew Esme had done it, and tried to find proof of her guilt to exonerate his friend.


Trina and Spencer tried to nab Esme

Trina was found innocent, and the authorities sought Esme. She turned up pregnant by Nikolas at Wyndemere, so he imprisoned her in one of the castle's towers. Ultimately, she escaped by jumping off a parapet into Lake Erie and was later found with amnesia, and arrested. During another party thrown in Trina's honor, Spencer was going to give her a letter declaring his love, but she told him they couldn't be friends anymore because of all the turmoil in their lives.


For a brief time, Trina dated Officer Rory Cabrera (Michael Blake Kruse), but she fantasized about Spencer whenever they got intimate. When Trina finally decided to break up with him to be with Spencer, it was too late — Rory died at the hands of a serial killer called The Hook. The murderer seemed to be targeting people around Trina, and when Esme was suspected of being the slayer, Spencer and Trina publicly pretended to be seeing each other in order to trap Esme.

After it was discovered that the supposed killers — Heather Webber (Alley Mills) and Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) — were Esme's parents, the two criminals were with her at Springridge mental hospital, grabbed her, and escaped on a wild ride. Ryan was ultimately killed, and Esme and Heather were recaptured. Heather was revealed to be The Hook all along, and Esme was eventually set free, still having no memories of her litany of "General Hospital" crimes.


Spencer and Trina helped save the world

At Curtis Ashford's (Donnell Turner) wedding to Trina's mother, Dr. Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr), Trina learned that Portia had been withholding a secret all her life — she didn't know if Curtis or Marcus Taggert (Real Andrews) was Trina's biological father. Trina had grown up with Taggert as her dad, so she was thrown for a loop upon this startling revelation. Spencer consoled her, and the two kissed. After the 2023 Nurses' Ball, Trina and Spencer admitted their feelings to each other and agreed they were now a couple.


Meanwhile, Spencer's uncle, Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) was in the midst of a reign of terror, having set a plan into motion to kill 80% of the world's population with a pathogen due to mistakenly believing he was saving the planet. By this time, Esme had given birth to her baby, Ace, and Victor kidnapped Spencer, Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), and the baby, taking them by boat to Greenland. Trina had stowed away on the ship and was instrumental in contacting Port Charles and letting everyone know where they were headed. 

Spencer's grandmother, Laura Collins (Genie Francis), put together a team that managed to kill Victor, stop his deadly plan, and rescue the hostages. Now that everyone is home safe in Port Charles, Trina and Spencer have grown much closer, especially having faced death together. However, Portia feels that Spencer and the rest of the Cassadine family are too dangerous for her daughter, and she's hoping to break them up somehow.


