Body Language Expert: King Charles Soaked Up Coronation Despite Family Drama - Exclusive

It was difficult to watch King Charles III's coronation without wondering what was going on in his head. Was he nervous? Excited? Was he worried about the family drama with Prince Harry? What about Prince Andrew's less-than-warm welcome to the coronation? There's so much to speculate on, but unfortunately, we aren't mind readers. That said, being able to read someone's body language can be like a superpower in its own right. That's why we spoke to Jess Ponce III, body language expert, communication coach, and author of "A.W.E.S.O.M.E.: Seven Keys to Unlocking the Speaker Within" about what was really going on in the new king's head and what his body language showed us.


To Ponce, Harry's discomfort without Meghan Markle at the coronation was clear. Yet, not everyone is quite so obvious about how they're feeling just to look at them. According to Ponce, this is the case with King Charles. "It is important to note that he typically is not a physically expressive individual. Actually, he is quite understated with his body language," he explained. "I would characterize him typically as someone with neutral facial expressions, subtle gestures, and a softer presence. Yet in contrast, when he speaks, we hear the voice of a strong diplomat and king." It may take a better-trained eye to spot exactly where Charles is coming from. Luckily, Ponce had a pretty good idea of what Charles was expressing through his body language, and he was more than happy to share all the details with us.


King Charles seemed in disbelief the special day had finally come

"[There] is no doubt this is King Charles' most celebrated moment to date, one that he has waited for a very long time to actualize," Jess Ponce III explained. "You would imagine that being crowned King of England would be an exuberant moment. It was, and in his own way, King Charles basked in it." It's good to know that amidst the family drama and the myriad conflicting emotions that surely affected him during the ceremony, he was still able to enjoy a day that was all about honoring him. Still, since Charles tends to play it close to the chest, being able to note how he was feeling was new. "What was really interesting to see was how he physically expressed himself in an environment where there is very little speaking by him. Today he showed up sincerely and regally," said Ponce.


While riding in the stagecoach alongside Queen Camilla, it was easy to see Charles taking a moment to process the momentous occasion. "He looked at his wife, looked down, looked at his attire, and then gazed out the window," Ponce recalled. "He was literally taking it all in. It was as if he didn't believe this was happening. And, his gaze out the window even seemed to be more of an internal reflection."

King Charles was the center of attention

As he entered the Abbey Church of Westminster, King Charles was surely aware that all eyes were on him. "King Charles was royal," Jess Ponce III noted. "He looked straight ahead and proceeded with intention and gravitas. His steps were even and determined. His facial expressions were focused. He wore the royal outfit: it did not wear him. That's a hard task when there's so much pomp and circumstance around the royal garb."


When the ceremony finally began, Charles spent quite a bit of time sitting and listening as those around him spoke, sang, and repeatedly uttered those impactful words, "God save the king." During this time, Ponce noted that "it's not often that we see King Charles alone. Yet as the sole center of attention, he had incredible presence. Too often, he is surrounded by his family, controversy, and others who draw attention away from him. Today on his own, he stood regal, proud, and determined." Regardless of your take on the coronation, this was easy to see for anyone. Ponce added, "You could see it in his eyes, gestures, and movement. He's owning the title in his own way and showed up big time." It's clear that the gravity of the day set in for Charles, and he was able to soak in the moment. This ability to stay focused and composed is sure to serve him well as he serves his people.


