What To Do When You're Burnt Out At Work

Work burnout is a situation that so many people deal with on a regular basis. It's not always easy to have the same love and enthusiasm for your job day in and day out. Like with any career path, there will be good days and bad days. However, burnout is a stress-related issue that can have a serious impact on your life and your work. Signs of burnout at work include no motivation, dreading going to work, lack of concentration, changes in sleep habits, or physical ailments like stomach issues and headaches.


There are also several reasons that a person may be experiencing burnout related to their jobs. Perhaps they feel overwhelmed with the amount of work that is expected from them, they feel they're being treated unfairly, or their work environment is chaotic and toxic. Having a poor work-life balance is another effect of burnout. This can also lead to serious issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, insomnia, and more.

Although it can be upsetting and confusing to deal with this type of situation, there are ways to get yourself back on track. If you are experiencing work burnout then it may be time for you to take control and make some changes.

Focus on your mental health

One way to help yourself prevent or conquer the feelings of work burnout is by taking mental health days. A mental health day is a planned day away from work and other life responsibilities to focus on yourself and recharge your social, mental, physical, and spiritual batteries. A mental health day can look different for everyone. Sometimes it's simply about rest and relaxation. Perhaps you want to get some extra sleep, take a hot bath, get a massage, or even do some light exercise. Getting outside in nature can also be very beneficial during this time.


To others, a mental health day may be spending carefree time with loved ones. This could be something as simple as going to dinner with friends, engaging in a family game night, or going out for a date night with your significant other. Some may need to spend their mental health days organizing their thoughts or even decluttering their living spaces. Journaling and meditation are also great options to help you relax and recharge.

However, while regular mental health days can prove to be helpful in avoiding and treating job burnout, if the feelings continue it may be time to consider some big life changes.

Re-evaluate your job situation

If you find yourself doing all you can to try to beat job burnout, it may be time to re-evaluate your job situation. This could mean that it's time to get your supervisors or human resources involved. Talk to your bosses about why you believe you're experiencing burnout andsee if you can come up with a solution that will benefit both of you so that you can set goals to get more work done without feeling overwhelmed. However, if your job is unwilling to work with you or you feel that you have no other choice, you may want to consider a change.


Is it time to start looking for a new job? There is much to think about, such as what you'd be leaving behind and if you are willing and able to do that. In addition, switching jobs may not get rid of the burnout you feel. Think hard about how much of your burnout is because of your job, and how much is caused by your own actions, such as not making time for self-care. Having someone unbiased to talk to about the situation may also prove to be very helpful. Whether it's a loved one or a professional, getting an outside opinion and advice may be just what you need to help make decisions that can impact your life.

Job burnout is a real issue that needs to be addressed as soon as you can in order to keep things running smoothly.


