Mentioning Your Therapist On A First Date Could Be The Best Thing For Your Future Relationships

If you're someone who seeks mental health support with therapy, the first date might be the best place to bring it up. People go on first dates as mysteries to one another and, after an hour of small talk, will oftentimes leave just as great of a mystery. 


Putting yourself out there on a first date could lead to stronger relationships, though. Move past the surface level conversations to discover a meaningful connection with your date by bringing up the subject that will give you insight into their life and interests: mental well-being maintenance. Figure out what they do to take after their mental health by sharing your tactic.

This type of honesty and openness has the potential to unlock a rich connection and will also give you insight into how your date processes their emotions, too, whether it be through mind-clearing hikes, venting to friends, alone time meditating, acupuncture, or therapy. By engaging in this subject early on, you can better gauge your level of compatibility with that person. If they tidy up to clear their head and you are a person who loves their organized chaos, then you might be better off as friends. It's beneficial to have that insight early on, since identifying meaningful differences is a great way of honoring yourself while playing the dating field.


Going to therapy might make you more attractive

There's a reason why the slogan "therapy is sexy" is so popular. Data shows that people who invest in their mental health are more attractive to potential partners. This notion is evidenced by the results of a Hinge survey reported by USA Today in 2022 that found that 88% of Hinge users prefer to commit to someone who sees a therapist. Similarly, a whopping 97% of Hinge users want a partner who prioritizes their mental health.


People are getting wise to the fact that emotional intelligence makes you a better long-term partner. According to the results of a 15-year longitudinal study, published in the academic journal Personality and Individual Differences, a person's emotional intelligence is a good foreteller of their longterm relationship satisfaction. Those possessing traits of emotional intelligence such as self-awareness, empathy, curiosity, and gratefulness,are more likely to be in healthy relationships for longer than those without.

Bringing therapy up on a date doesn't have to be awkward

Mentioning your therapist on a first date doesn't mean you have to provide sensitive information about your hardships, nor does it give the other person the right to fire off a round of intrusive questions. It's simply a way to break the ice on a first date and gauge whether the other person values their mental health. If you're taking steps toward self improvement, isn't it only fair that they do too?


On account of a first date's informal nature, it's best to simply bring up your therapist in casual conversation. There are plenty of ways to do that, with no disclosure or explanation needed. Consider mentioning therapy in tandem with other things you do to take care of your mental health, like journaling, meditating, or going on daily walks. Afterward, you can turn the conversation toward them and ask what they do to take care of themselves. Not only does it demonstrate how therapy is just one part of your healthy lifestyle, but it also gives you the opportunity to ask if they go too. 

