Prepare Yourselves, These Are The Most Common Times Of The Year For Couples To Call It Quits

As you and your partner approach the spring months, having weathered the holiday season together, you might be feeling invincible. However, now may be the time to start strengthening that union with your partner. Identifying cracks in communication, past indiscretions that continue to weigh heavy, or a now boring intimate life that could use some sprucing up may all be valid conversation topics. The sooner you address pressing issues within your relationship, the more likely you and your partner will remain together.


Numerous studies have shown that this time of the year is a prevalent time for breakups, which is why it is essential to perform some preventative maintenance now before it's too late. There are several reasons why couples part ways. If your union is thriving, you likely have nothing to worry about. Still, it's essential to know what statistics have to say about spikes in separations around this time.

Valentine's Day isn't so happy after all

Yes, you've read that correctly. Valentine's Day is not always as loving as it appears. It is one of the most popular times of year for couples to call it quits. A 2007 Yahoo! survey revealed that partners are "more than twice as likely" to contemplate splitting up between December and Valentine's Day — the time after cuffing season. However, the coast isn't clear after Cupid flies away. Journalist David McCandless conducted a separate study in 2008, which examined Facebook status updates and found that the spring season, April Fool's Day, the summer months, and Mondays are all common breakup points.


Several reasons could be behind this. Many people feel unfulfilled. Others may have differing opinions regarding what their future looks like. It could be a number of reasons outlined by award-winning therapist Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., LMFT, who attributes breakups to cheating, anger that is misdirected, and a lack of affection.

Communication is your biggest defense during breakup months

Almost every relationship expert, therapist, and life coach will agree that a breakdown in communication can lead to a separation. Professional matchmaker Thu Zar Wynn tells The Zoe Report most people expect their partners to "read between the lines" when identifying issues within the relationship. Sadly, people have problems expressing themselves to their companions.


In order to survive the breakup months, lovers must tackle their communications issues quickly. There are several ways to achieve this. Relationship abuse nonprofit One Love Foundation suggests starting with asking open-ended questions. Follow up by observing nonverbal cues. Is your spouse failing to make eye contact? Do they seem a bit on edge? Ask empathetic questions. Never try to read your mate's mind. You'll only come up with unsubstantiated conclusions. Approximately 59% of women feel that date nights are a great way to get the relationship back on track, according to Redbook. Therefore, addressing the lingering issues over dinner may be an excellent opportunity to hash out any unaddressed feelings.


Ultimately, your response depends on the current state of your relationship. But if you notice signs of turmoil, handle them as soon as you can to prevent falling victim to the breakup blues.

