The Scalp Oiling Technique That May Make Your Hair Stronger

Have you been trying to grow your hair out without luck? Have you noticed dehydrated baby hairs frizzing up your hair? If so, you likely need to repair hair damage and rebuild your hair strength, according to Allure. Dermatologist Dr. Cory Hartman tells the outlet that weak, brittle hair is prone to breakage, whereas "healthy hair is well moisturized with an intact, shiny cuticular layer." So how do you go from dull dead ends to long, strong locks?


One effective method could be the scalp oiling technique, "Champi." According to Healthline, Champi is an Ayurvedic ritual that has been practiced for hundreds of years in India. The source explains that "pouring oil onto hair and massaging it into the scalp [can] increase moisture, luster, and shine."

In a 2016 study published by ePlasty, researchers found that daily scalp massages over 24 weeks significantly increased hair thickness and elasticity in its subjects. Furthermore, the oil could help your hair by giving it the hydration and nourishment it needs to prevent breakage, says Healthline.

How to massage your scalp correctly

If you want to add Champi to your hair care routine, we've gathered some resources to help you do it right. Ayurveda expert and best-selling author Sahara Rose explains, "the key to performing a Champi is really focusing on the points of most tension and applying sufficient pressure to help relieve it." She says that your hands should move in an upward direction, gliding from the base and sides of your hairline up toward the top of your head. Rose also emphasizes that enough pressure be applied through your fingertips to create some body heat.


According to Bustle, Champi is not traditionally an individual practice, but a social one. Often, family members and friends will complete the task together. While helping one another massage, they'll use the space to relax and listen to one another share stories and thoughts. 

While this might not seem essential for the scalp massage, you shouldn't dismiss it. In an interview with Allure, dermatologist Neil Sadick, M.D., FAAD warned that "increased levels of stress hormones — mainly cortisol — disrupt the hair cycle," leading to weaker hair. De-stressing activities like this one could benefit your hair strength.

What oil to apply

To get the full benefits of Champi, you can't forget one of the most important steps — applying natural oils. Many of us prioritize keeping our hair clean, but constant washing often diminishes the vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain shine and strength. Healthline reports that oils can restore these essential nutrients. However, you'll want to pair the correct oils for your hair type and needs to achieve these outcomes.


Healthline explains that in the Ayurvedic tradition, your hair type correlates to your dosha. Your dosha is thought to be what makes up your life force. There are three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha.

Ayurveda health specialist Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra tells Healthline that vata hair is characterized by a dry and frizzy texture. As a result, you'll want to use a smoothing oil like sesame. Pitta hair is often a combination of oily and dry hair. If this is the case with your mane, Healthline recommends you use almond oil for its medium to light, moisturizing quality. Lastly, if your hair is kapha, you likely have oily, thick locks. Ayurvedic physician D. Shailendra Chaubey recommends to Vogue that you implement neem oil into your massage.


New haircare trends are constantly popping up. But if you want to try something new that's tried and tested, Champi scalp oiling could be the perfect new addition to your routine.

