Why Talking On The Phone Could Be More Beneficial Than Texting

In the era of non-stop texting and staring at your phone all day, making calls has fallen by the wayside. Today people dread phone calls the way used to dread unexpected visits. It's not even the socially phobic who detest talking on the phone. Many people simply don't want to waste their time on a call when they could sum up their thoughts in a three-second text.


However, texting certainly has its benefits. It's great for sharing specific information, especially small details, like dates, addresses, and even amounts like sizes, amounts, and lists. After all, it only provides words with no tone and no feeling (via Urban Wellness Counseling).

It also provides time to think which is especially helpful when answering colleagues and bosses, as per Inc. You can have a few minutes to fine-tune your response instead of being put on the spot with an impromptu phone call.

Still, as much as we all appreciate the convenience that texting provides, sometimes taking the leap and making a call is preferable.

Phone calls are more personable

According to a study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, more people opt for texting because they find phone calls awkward. Yet the idea that phone calls are more uncomfortable is untrue, according to the study. Those who opted to make phone calls were no more awkward in their interaction, and they gained a huge benefit by making a call as opposed to texting or emailing.


"People feel significantly more connected through voice-based media," said Amit Kumar, co-author of the study (via PsychNewsDaily). "But they have these fears about awkwardness that are pushing them towards text-based media."

Some study subjects were instructed to make a phone call to reconnect with an old friend, even though the participants preferred to connect via email or text, believing it would be more comfortable. When they did make the calls, they had a better connection with the other person. "When it came to actual experience, people reported they did form a significantly stronger bond with their old friend on the phone versus email, and they did not feel more awkward," says Kumar.

Why calls can actually be more convenient

The idea that texts are more explanatory and convenient than calls may be a mistake. NYC-based clinical psychologist Sabrina Romanoff agrees that people often misread what texts can actually do and mistakenly think that texts "correspond information exactly in the way they intend without unexpected additions by the other person" (via Yahoo). Yet that can be ripe for misunderstanding because you don't hear the nuance in the person's voice when they respond.


"A phone call is actually more convenient when considering the net effects of the message," says Romanoff. "Each party is more present, and therefore, able to gauge the meaning behind the content without ruminating on the endless possible meanings behind words and punctuation."

There are also certain times you should always call rather than text (via Hello Giggles). If you are reaching out to help a friend who is struggling, your voice can do wonders in terms of support. Other times include if you can't attend an event like a wedding or if you are sending condolences or offering an apology. Also, a phone call is better if it references sensitive information you would like to keep private and not have in writing.


