Why It's So Hard To Break The Pandemic Homebody Habit

The COVID-19 pandemic made all of us change our lives in one way or another. Closed restaurants, shopping venues, and other businesses meant many people were forced to stay home more than usual. There was a large shift in people working from home. In a survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, it was found that a whopping 36.9% of surveyed Americans switched from in-person work to remote work in the midst of the pandemic.


With the latest COVID-19 variants deemed less severe by many scientists, world leaders are beginning to loosen their restrictions on social distancing, travel, and other activities that were labeled unsafe during the pandemic (via Nature.com). Because of this, more people are beginning to venture from home and return to their regular schedules. 

Of course, like with any change, there's always a period of adjustment. Many people are finding it difficult to break their homebody habits post-pandemic, and with good reason why.

Homebody habits come natural for introverts

If you're an introvert, you'll probably agree when we say the changes that came with the pandemic suit your personality. This could explain why you're now struggling to break your homebody habits. Per Healthline, introverts find happiness in doing things solo and find lengthy chats with others draining. Introverts also gather energy from quiet, relaxed environments. All of this is why staying at home during the pandemic might have been a breath of fresh air for you.


Working from home is an introvert's dream come true. Unlike their extroverted peers, introverts do their best work in secluded settings where they can think in peace. Because of this, they welcomed the change to a more homebody-friendly lifestyle brought on by the pandemic. The Policy Institute at King's College London performed a study to find out if people missed anything about the lockdowns of 2020. 54% of those asked said they would miss the lockdowns, with 11% admitting they would miss staying at home the most.

You're reluctant to give up your new hobbies

If there's anything good that can be salvaged from the pandemic, it's the creativity and connections that were formed. From uniformed nurses and doctors showing off their hidden dance skills to brilliant musicians sharing hopeful messages, people fought back against the isolation of the pandemic by connecting with their unique talents and one another (via History Colorado). Creative culture was at a high point while we were in lockdown mode. The world saw an incredible rise in what Forbes calls the "homebody economy." Baking ingredients, lawn care materials, home improvement tools, and other hobby items all saw an increase in sales as more and more people embraced their hobbies in 2020.


As life returns to normal, people are spending less time at home and more time on the go. Sadly, this means even simple hobbies might be placed on the back burner. According to Life and Health Network, practicing a hobby can make you feel happier and healthier, so it's no wonder we're all having a tough time breaking away from at-home hobbies to return to real life. 

After a life-changing event like the coronavirus, it can be difficult to get back to the way things were. However, it's important not to rush yourself. Everyone moves at their own pace, and you'll get back in the groove of things with enough time.

