What Happens To Your Vagina After Giving Birth?

Giving birth is a transformative experience in every way imaginable. According to Today's Parent, many women note becoming a mother as the most intense transition of their lives. The transition is not just emotional, it's also physical. Pregnancy and the subsequent delivery of a child mark the culmination of many physical changes within the body.


Per the Cleveland Clinic, the changes that accompany pregnancy and delivery are vast and can vary from woman to woman. For the nine months of an average pregnancy, the female body is undergoing nearly constant change, however, delivery is a process that involves certain parts of the body more than others.

Experiences with delivery vary widely and are, by in large, a unique and individual experience. However, there are some universal truths that accompany the birth of a child. Healing from childbirth will involve many physical and hormonal functions. Understanding what's to come can be instrumental in your healing experience, both physically and emotionally.

Labor is the beginning of many new changes

At the beginning of labor, a cascade of hormones floods the bloodstream, triggering the start of this process. According to the National Library of Medicine, this trigger is caused by the baby and mother working together to bring about this change, as both beings have a role to play here. During delivery, the uterus contracts to move the baby down through the vagina and ultimately into this world (per Everything Cracks).


Post-delivery, both the uterus and vagina will experience changes and need to heal from the previous ordeal. As one may imagine, the process of birthing a child can be an arduous process for the female reproductive system and the vagina endures a good deal of that strain, as Everything Cracks notes. With delivery comes an extensive healing process for parts both internal and external. Here are some things you can expect during this time of great transition and healing.

Your vagina will need extra attention

After the birth of a child, your vagina is going to be in need of some TLC. This is generally considered universal across the board. Birth experiences can vary from woman to woman, but the aftermath remains the same. According to Glamour, expect to experience things like postpartum bleeding and cramping, internal bruising, and even a slight tear associated with the birth.


In addition to the physical implications of birth, there may need to be some lifestyle changes made as well. For example, as Hopkins Medicine reported, sex after giving birth is off the table until after your postpartum appointment — which is scheduled roughly six weeks after delivery. The best way to care for yourself after delivery is to surround yourself with supportive people who understand and want to be of help during this phase of life (via UPMC Health Beat). The vaginal tearing will heal, but your memories of this time in your life will last forever. Being mindful of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical well-being.

