How The November 8 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Will Affect You If You're A Gemini

On November 8 a full moon in the sign of Taurus is set to shake things up in the zodiac world. This lunation brings with it a total lunar eclipse that is sure to create chaos and bring tense vibes to many. According to StyleCaster, this lunar eclipse comes just days after the partial solar eclipse in Scorpio and is said to be aligned with the planet Uranus. The outlet also notes that this lunation could bring about something very unexpected into your life, so be ready for anything.


"Considering that this is a full moon, you should reflect on the last six months and what has transpired during this time," astrologer Liz Simmons tells My Imperfect Life. "You might be surprised to see where this Taurus-themed journey has led to and how it may end! Although somewhat chaotic given the ecliptic influence, keep in mind that whatever happens is meant to be," she added.

Mind Body Green suggests that members of the zodiac tread lightly during the time of the full moon and eclipse, as even if they still feel grounded, those around them could be on edge. So it's best to lay low and take things slowly during this time. If you're a Gemini, this lunation may bring a lot of emotions to the surface for you.


Gemini should stay positive during the full moon and eclipse

For those born under the zodiac sign of Gemini (May 2 to June 20), the full moon and lunar eclipse on November 8 may have you reflecting on your emotions in a big way. The lunation will be an intense time for many, so having some compassion and understanding for those finding it difficult will go a long way (via My Imperfect Life). By doing your best to stay positive, you'll be able to keep yourself as happy as possible as well as brighten the days of those around you.


"The key is to react to things that people say or do with kindness. This may feel difficult at the moment, but it ensures that you work from a place of open-heartedness and understanding," astrologer Patrick Price tells the outlet. "Anger or frustration will keep your emotional vibrations low, and the only thing it guarantees is the worst possible outcome in any situation."

In addition, PopSugar notes that Gemini may be feeling a little less energetic than usual due to Scorpio moving into your sixth house of wellness. Take things easy and enjoy a bit more rest during this time, especially since you'll likely be dealing with some highly emotional people around the time of the full moon.

They may want to shake up their daily routine during the full moon

In addition to dealing with everyone else's emotions during the full moon on November 8, Gemini will also battle their own feelings. According to Yahoo, the air sign may be forced to explore some emotions that they've been pushing away. However, the lunation will bring those feelings to the surface and demand that they be dealt with. Take some time for self-reflection and try to process whatever emotions are bubbling up. Dealing with these feelings will help you to move on and feel like a lighter, happier version of yourself.


Because this full moon in Taurus is hitting you in your 12th house of the subconscious, you might feel overwhelmed by your feelings. However, Gemini will find that self-care and physical activities during this time could be beneficial. Elite Daily suggests breaking up your usual daily routine to add a little excitement to your life during the time of the full moon so that things feel fresh and new moving forward.

It seems that Gemini will have a lot of emotional baggage to take care of during the full moon. However, knowing how to cope with their feelings will allow them to get through eclipse season with a positive outlook and sense of renewed energy.

