How The October 25 New Moon Will Affect You If You're A Cancer

Scorpio season is officially here, and the new moon in Scorpio is right around the corner. The lunar event will occur on October 25 and coincide with a partial eclipse that is sure to have everyone feeling the intense energy. According to Bustle, this lunation will bring themes of new beginnings and fresh starts. It also has the possibility to bring many members of the zodiac some very unexpected news. During this time, you may feel like a shift is happening inside of you, and it could inspire you to do any number of things such as get your health in check, clean your living space, rethink your career path, or take a much-needed step in a relationship.


"This new moon solar eclipse carries incredible energy, bringing the power of three new moons in one," astrologer Narayana Montúfar told Refinery 29. "Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is turning retrograde only five days after this event, instigating karmic adjustments from the past will take place," Montúfar added, noting that it's a good idea to skip any manifestation rituals during this lunation due to the eclipse.

For those born under the zodiac sign of Cancer, the new moon may be a time of heightened passion and inspiration for you.

Cancer should focus on joy during the new moon on October 25

If your zodiac sign is Cancer (born between June 21 and July 22), the new moon on October 25 will likely offer you some motivation to do the things you love. This lunation will be all about passion for you. Of course, that could mean spending some extra time with a romantic partner, or feeling a shift in your dating life, per Bustle.


"Now is the time to look at what you want from a romantic relationship," astrologer Patrick Price told My Imperfect Life of the water sign. "The new moon offers us the energy to take things to the next level. We can only do this through communication, with ourselves and with others."

PopSugar notes that the energy from the lunation may also encourage Cancers to dive into their other passions such as their hobbies and things that they love. It's a great time to tap into any and everything that brings you joy, whether it's art, music, reading, gardening, sports, or simply spending time with friends, family, or pets. Do what makes your heart happy during the new moon and you won't regret it. "This buzzing energy will give you the boost you need to bring back some cheer into your life," astrologer Desiree Roby Antila told the outlet.


Cancer should channel any negative vibes into a creative outlet

While Cancer should be focused on their own personal happiness during the new moon on October 25, the water sign may feel guilty about putting themselves first during the lunation, per Woman and Home. If you're feeling bad about focusing on what you want, now is not the time for that. Do what you love and do it guilt-free. Meanwhile, there may be some activities that you no longer enjoy doing, and now is the time to let those go. Do you attend a book club that you're just not into, or hate going to the gym? Change up your routines to make them enjoyable again and don't let anyone push you into doing something that offers you stress or unhappiness. However, if you find yourself feeling down during the lunation, you may be able to flip the script and use those dark feelings to create something beautiful by channeling the negative energy and turning it into something like a gorgeous sketch, flower arrangement, original song, etc.


Allure adds that the new moon partnered with the solar eclipse has the possibility to be a time of chaos for many, and by staying indoors during the event and shying away from the drama, you'll benefit by keeping a cool head and a calm heart.

It seems that Cancer will have a lot to think about during the new moon, but it could prove to be a very productive time for the sign.

