What Is Dormant Butt Syndrome And Do You Have It?

By now, you're probably fully aware of the many things in life that can kill you. From smoking cigarettes to contracting viral infections, the list of dangerous things that can impact your health is outrageously long. But there is something that one in four Americans do over eight hours a day that is more dangerous than any of those things: sitting.


"Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death," Dr. James Levin, director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. According to Dr. Levin, "we lose two hours of life for every hour we sit."

If that isn't enough to get you up off your butt, there is a condition you could (and may already have) from sitting too long: dormant butt syndrome. While the name of this condition may induce a slight giggle (dormant what?!), this common ailment, which basically means you have a "weak butt," can cause pain to areas of the body (via Glamour). Think you may have dormant butt syndrome? Let's dive deeper into what it is and what you can do to treat it.


If you sit for long periods of time, you may have dormant butt syndrome

Your butt plays a more significant role in your body's overall health than you think. While you may hit the gym to get a big, toned booty to boost your confidence, you're simultaneously strengthening other body parts as well. According to Glamour, your butt strength essentially determines how well other parts of your body function and feel. If you have a strong bottom, chances are, the rest of your body (like your legs, hips, and back) will have a solid foundation to work on. On the other hand, having a weak butt could lead to pain, discomfort, and tightness in those areas.


If you sit on your bottom all day and notice several muscles in your body ache, you may have dormant butt syndrome. But even athletes and frequent gym-goers can develop this condition due to neglecting their glute muscles while working out (per Motion Health). One visual way of identifying this condition is if you have, sorry, "pancake butt" (per Glamour). While that isn't a 100% tell telltale sign (so don't worry if you just have a tiny frame and naturally have a little booty), it can indicate that you have dormant butt syndrome.

So how do you treat dormant butt syndrome?

Although dormant butt syndrome is common and won't lead to your demise (well, anytime soon, according to Dr. Levin), you can do things to strengthen your glutes. You'll first want to get up off that butt and work it out (via Motion Health). Some great workouts to target the glutes include deadlifts, lunges, and glute planks, but even squeezing your butt muscles repeatedly 10 to 15 times throughout the day can help (per Glamour). You can do this while lying down, sitting, or standing.


For those who don't have time to go to the gym, or let's be honest, aren't into working out, try to at least stand more throughout the day instead of sitting. Go for hot girl walks during your work or lunch breaks. You can also check out other desk options, like ones that raise up high, so you can stand throughout the day while you work. You'll want to invest in a comfy mat to stand on and ensure your desk equipment is appropriately positioned so you aren't straining the muscles in your arms or wrists (via Healthline). Regardless of the intensity level, there are ways to reverse dormant butt syndrome to give yourself a healthier (and bigger) booty.

