Why You Should Think Twice Before Throwing Away A Baby Crib

Part of the joy that comes with welcoming a newborn into your home is going out and getting all the baby supplies your new family member will need. Fixing up your baby's nursery is an exciting time, whether you're shooting for a simple and modern look or going for an ocean-themed nursery


But something you'll quickly realize is that your baby is going to outgrow a lot of the things in that nursery, including the baby crib. If you're planning to have more children, you could consider storing the crib till it's needed again, but if you've made a decision not to, you're going to be left with a fairly large piece of furniture taking up space in your home, per Frugal Ginger

Yes, cribs can be donated but you might want to look into the safety standards for cribs by the time your newborn has outgrown it; it won't be a big surprise if they've changed (via The Bump). Repurposing your baby's crib is a great way to keep this piece of furniture in your home — especially if you've built sentimental attachment to the piece — instead of throwing it away. It's also a lovely way to be kinder to your environment. 


Turn your baby crib into other useful pieces of furniture

Your baby's outgrown crib probably has a lot of life left in it, even if it's been turned into a toddler bed after its days of usefulness as a crib. You might be surprised to find out that with a little effort (and some elbow grease) your baby's crib could be converted into a cute little desk, just by getting rid of the side rail and elevating the bottom of the crib, per C.R.A.F.T. The baby crib could also get a new lease of life as a bar stool, regular chair, or porch swing, according to The Kim Six Fix. Your home will get some new and creative furniture items and you won't need to throw away useful pieces of wood. 


Have you always wanted a rustic bench to add to the beauty of your garden? You can turn your baby's old crib into one and coat it with dark brown paint first before adding layers of gray paint for an earthy feel (via Life Creatively Organized). 

Pieces from old baby cribs, especially the rails, also make great material for various kinds of racks around your home, whether they be magazine racks, a memory board, a storage rack for your kitchen (via Architecture Art Designs), or simply a nifty piece of furniture off of which you can dry your clothes, according to The Kim Six Fix. 

Your baby crib can add value to your garden or even become a plaything

The uses for your old baby crib don't end inside your home. Before throwing it away, consider using pieces of or all of your crib in your garden as well — either as beautiful garden trellises or vertical garden appliances, per The Kim Six Fix. A herb garden is an excellent way to use the entire build of your old baby crib. All you'll need to do is treat it like a garden bed instead of a baby bed, by lowering the side rail, and placing your plant friends inside the crib, advises C.R.A.F.T


Are you constantly looking for a tidy way to store your kids' toys that seem to somehow end up on the floor? Your baby's crib converts into a beautiful toy chest too with some imagination, according to One Crazy House. You can also use the rails from the crib to create a fun play tent for your little ones (via The Kim Six Fix) — we all know how much kids love spending hours inside tents. 

Repurposing your baby's old crib is a great way to come together for a fun family project. Just like with old t-shirts that you don't have to throw away, finding uses for an old crib can become a fulfilling creative exercise. 

