The Ongoing Feud Between Melania Trump And Her Former Advisor Just Took Petty To A Whole New Level

It's been two years since the tell-all book "Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady," written by Melania Trump's former senior advisor, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, was published. In that memoir, Winston Wolkoff didn't hold back from scathing details about the former First Lady. The New York Times published some key takeaways Winston Wolkoff wrote, including her alleged disdain for her step-daughter, Ivanka Trump, as well as comments she made about families being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018. 


These allegations should also be noted in tandem with former press secretary Stephanie Grisham's memoir, "I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in the Trump White House." In the book, Grisham writes that Trump called Ivanka and her husband, Jared, "interns" while her Melania's, Donald Trump, was in office.

Years later, as Melania has been keeping a relatively low profile as her husband faces multiple federal investigations, she's speaking out about a certain conversation Stephanie Winston Wolkoff secretly recorded, and the former advisor is sounding off in response.

Melania Trump says former friend and employer who wrote tell-all is untrustworthy

Since leaving the White House, Melania Trump has been pursuing endeavors such as writing op-eds for Fox News. So it might come as an eye-roll to some to see that Trump is continuing to counter claims stated by former friend and advisor, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who authored a book about their time together before the two had a falling out.


The former first lady recently made a statement to Breitbart sounding off about Winston Wolkoff's claims she made in her memoir, where she supposedly recorded conversations between the two which she would later use in her book, unbeknownst to Trump. One of the conversations in question is an alleged rant Trump went off on about Christmastime at the White House.

"While I was serving as First Lady of our country, Stephanie Wolkoff secretly recorded several of our conversations," her statement read. "I will personally set the record straight because the mainstream media has failed to provide context for these misleading exchanges ... Wolkoff is untrustworthy. Her contract with the First Lady's Office was terminated in February 2018, and she was later charged with violating the confidentiality clause of her White House Employment Agreement."


Winston Wolkoff took to Twitter, retweeting Trump's tweet to the Breitbart exclusive, captioning: "PATHETIC! ... What is Melania worried about? ... What's the next attack against me? When she tries to sell lightweight jackets that say 'I DON'T REALLY CARE! DO YOU?'" 

