Military Members Were Told To Do One Specific Thing Ahead Of The Queen's Funeral

One of the most important members of the queen's funeral proceedings is the military. According to, thousands of military personnel will be in attendance at the funeral, including members from the Royal Navy, the British Army, and the Royal Air Force. Over 100 members of the Armed Forces from the militaries of Commonwealth nations will also be included in the ceremony.


All of those military personnel are tasked with the important honor of walking in the service, with soldiers from the Queen's Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards getting the specific honor of carrying the queen's coffin, per People. But even a great honor like this can become rather tedious. Standing all day in full gear can cause many military personnel to faint while on duty. To combat this, soldiers and military troops are told to increase their salt intake, ingesting one satchel of salt every day for the last week and adding more salt than usual to their food as a way to boost their electrolytes and avoid fainting.

Even with the salt, two military personnel and one soldier have fainted during the funeral ceremonies, according to the Mirror. According to Bloomberg, despite the possible health risk, the military's honored and happy to join the queen's funeral. The Chief of the Defence, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, said, "For all of us, this is our last duty for Her Majesty the Queen and it's our first prominent duty for His Majesty King Charles, and we're representing the nation, we're representing our mothers, our grandmothers, our fathers, our friends, and everybody's very, very aware of that."


