A Familiar Famous Face Was Spotted In The Queue To See The Queen Lying-In-State

London's transportation system is facing its biggest challenge of all time as an unprecedented number of people descend upon the capital city to pay their respects to the queen. According to The Independent, around one million mourners are estimated to visit while the dearly departed monarch lies in state. 


In fact, on Sept. 16, BBC News reported that the line to see the queen's coffin at Westminster Hall had been temporarily halted after reaching capacity. Her Majesty will lie in state until the morning of Sept. 19, with the queen's funeral — which is also expected to break a major record — scheduled to take place later that day. 

Many people were disappointed to be turned away after traveling to London and already waiting hours. One person who made it just in time, however, was none other than soccer star David Beckham, who was spotted queuing in Victoria Tower Gardens. Beckham confirmed he'd been waiting for a whopping 12 hours, beginning around 2 a.m., but was enjoying the sense of camaraderie. 


"We all want to be here together, we all want to experience something where we celebrate the amazing life of our queen and I think something like this today is meant to be shared together," the living legend opined. While chatting to ITV News (via Twitter), Beckham also acknowledged, "I was so lucky I was able to have a few moments in my life to be around Her Majesty." He added, "A sad day but it's a day to remember the incredible legacy she left." 

