The Queen's Funeral Is Expected To Break A Major Record

London's transportation system is facing its biggest challenge of all time, as scores of mourners descend upon the capital city to pay their respects to dearly departed monarch Queen Elizabeth II. According to The Independent, around one million people are expected to visit London in the coming days in the lead up to Her Majesty's funeral on September 19. Prior to her passing, there were even concerns that the number of people mourning when the queen died could practically shut down London


For those unable to make the journey, the funeral will be televised and live-streamed. In fact, the Daily Mail reports the broadcast looks set to be the most-watched ever, with more than half of the global population tuning in. Industry experts estimated a figure of 4.1 billion viewers. As a TV analyst at, Carolina Beltramo, explained to the outlet, "Such is the love and admiration for Queen Elizabeth II around the world that her funeral is destined to be the biggest live TV event in history." 

Beltramo continued, "Audience figures will eclipse the opening ceremony of the Atlanta Olympics when 3.6 billion people watched Muhammad Ali light the Olympic torch in 1996." Likewise, "An estimated 2.5 billion people watched the service for Diana, Princess of Wales, 25 years ago, with 31 million Brits tuning in." Elsewhere, officials are anticipating around half a million visitors to Westminster Hall to see Her Majesty's coffin in person before she's laid to rest on Monday. 


