How To Pull Off A Animal-Themed Nursery

There are a lot of things you can't plan for when it comes to pregnancy, birth, and a newborn. For one, you often can't plan the exact day they will be born or how they will be born. You also can't plan for their temperament, the way they will sleep, and how they will like to eat, despite your best efforts. But one thing you can plan for is the nursery.


The nursery is a place where you and your baby are going to be spending a lot of time. You want it to be comfortable and a place you want to be in, but where do you start when it comes to decorating? Look at your favorite celebrities' nurseries or browse Pinterest to get a sense of your tastes, then focus on color. Nursery Design Studio recommends starting with an overall color scheme you love. You can stick to traditional pinks and blues or go a bit more trendy with a neutral look, just be sure the colors you choose are calming rather than loud. You'll then want to pick out your must-haves for furniture, starting with a crib, and then do some searching for a theme. The Spruce recommends not going overboard with your theme of choice, but there are a ton of ways to do a theme without creating chaos in the nursery. If you are hoping to create an animal-themed nursery, here's how to do it.


First, choose the theme within the theme

Animal-themed nurseries are very in trend and also super versatile. In fact, per The Spruce, there is an animal-themed nursery style for any type of parent, whether they want something sleek and classic or something a bit more edgy or bohemian. Before you start painting any walls or ordering stick-on wallpaper decals, determine which style you are hoping to achieve. Two of the most popular animal themes are zoo animals and safari. According to Rhythm of the Home, the zoo theme is a great option because it is not only gender neutral, but can also grow with your baby well into toddlerhood. This can be as simple as adding decor with cute animals or placing an oversized plush next to the crib. A safari theme, on the other hand, goes a bit deeper with the style. To achieve this look, you'll want to stick to a color palette of greens, yellows, and browns and use animal decor consisting of elephants, monkeys, and zebras.


But while these two types of animal-themed nurseries may be the most popular, there are a ton of other ways you can pull off an animal-themed nursery without going zoo or safari. The Spruce recommends a fox-themed nursery, which incorporates the trendy burnt orange color or a bunny-themed nursery, which will allow a pink-loving mom to get those soft pinks and whites while still keeping the nursery on theme.

Simple decorating tips for all types of animal-themed nurseries

Even after you find a theme you love, you may be overwhelmed with actually executing it in your own space. In order to not feel overwhelmed, Bubzi Co. recommends a few simple tips that can take your currently empty space (or guest room or office or even walk-in closet) into the nursery of your dreams. If you are sold on an animal-theme, think green. No matter which specific theme you choose, green is likely to be a big part of it. Not only that, green has a calming and soothing power that you and your baby will appreciate during those late nights and early mornings. To bring in small accents of animals into the nursery, consider a nightlight with an animal motif, or a laundry basket with little elephants running across it. These little touches can add up to create a gorgeous nursery without even touching a can of paint.


No matter what theme you go with, whether it's an animal-theme, a circus-theme, or even a Disney-theme, House Beautiful recommends a few important things to consider. For one, invest in good furniture. If you are including a dresser or a chair in the room, choose one that can grow with your family for years to come. It's also a good idea to install or pick an area for a little library, include as much storage as you can, and add in personal touches wherever you see fit.

