Donald Trump Remains Close With Melania Trump Lookalike Margo Martin

Melania and Donald Trump's marriage continues to be a source of intrigue for critics of the famous couple and fans alike. As biographer Mary Jordan memorably told The Guardian, "I don't know any couple that spends as much time apart. They are often in the same building, but nowhere near each other." Jordan continued: "She likes to be isolated. She is a loner. He is a loner."


Despite the fact that Melania and Donald are living at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, CNN reported that she's barely ever seen around the place, spending much of her time either with beloved son Barron or at the spa. When she does emerge, the former first lady seems "happy and relaxed." Melania often has dinner with her husband, at the very least.

However, CNN also noted that, if Donald does decide to run again in 2024, it "might not go over well" with Melania, who's desperate to be left alone to enjoy her life again. Evidently, she married the wrong man if that was her intention. Judging by new photos, though, the former president has a Melania lookalike waiting in the wings for when his wife isn't up to having her photo taken.


Donald Trump's trusted aide looks remarkably like Melania

Per photos obtained by the Daily Mail, Donald Trump favors a certain kind of look when choosing an aide. The former president was snapped leaving Trump Tower in Manhattan alongside several of his most trusted assistants, all of whom are notably beautiful young women. The most eye-catching is easily Margo Martin, his former White House press aide, who bears more than a passing resemblance to Donald's wife, Melania Trump. 


Martin is one of Donald's top communications aides and became the deputy director of communications for his Save America PAC once his term ended. As People reported, Martin was known for running a tight ship, frequently alerting interviewers to how much time had passed while they were talking to him. Meaww adds that she had a reputation for hurrying reporters in and out of the Oval Office.  

