Michael Pantozzi

Photo of Michael Pantozzi
Los Angeles
Independent, International, And Classic Cinema, '90s Alternative Rock, The Novels And Short Stories Of Haruki Murakami, George Saunders, And Ottessa Moshfegh
  • Michael wrote, directed, and starred in a short film opposite Kimmy Robertson (Lucy on "Twin Peaks").
  • He has also worked as Emmy- and Oscar-nominated actor and writer Renée Taylor's writing assistant, helping her to finish a memoir and a play.
  • In addition to this, he once worked with Edward Albee as an actor in a workshop of his 1971 play "All Over."


My professional experience has allowed for me to be both a participant in and an observer of the entertainment industry. In addition to working sporadically as an actor and a writing assistant, I worked as a copy editor at The New York Post, both at the features desk and on the fashion supplement.
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