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Everybody's Talking About Jamie Star On The Moment He Landed The Role - Exclusive

Max Harwood made his on-screen debut in "Everybody's Talking About Jamie" and instantaneously won the hearts of audiences worldwide. With his honest and heartwarming portrayal of the titular character, the fledging actor has set himself apart as a breakout star to watch in Hollywood. The now-24-year-old shines in the biopic, which is based on the story of Jamie Campbell, the British high school student who made history when he wore a dress to his prom, choosing to disregard the bullying and backlash he received from fellow classmates and administration (via BBC). 


In an exclusive interview, The List sat down with the equally lovely, witty, and talented Harwood, who spoke of his humble beginnings as well as the moment he learned he was cast in this groundbreaking leading role. A native of England, he didn't think he could make acting his career since he had no family in the business, and his small hometown of Hampshire, Basingstoke, had very little in terms of a TV or film industry. However, once he got to college, that all changed, and he began immersing himself in the craft. 

"And it was just a joy to be going to college every day to study acting and I did art and photography and I did music technology and I did history as well," he explained to The List. "And those are all subjects I really loved." That was just the beginning for the young talent, who, just a handful of years later, would be cast as an iconic character who inspired so many, including Harwood, with his act of bravery. 


Max Harwood's reaction on landing the part in Everybody's Talking About Jamie

After witnessing Max Harwood's show-stopping performance in "Everybody's Talking About Jamie," it's hard to believe that this was his first professional acting role. He told The List that while he waited to break in to the industry, he did have other jobs in varying fields. His resume includes working at a restaurant, movie theater, and a sneaker shop, where he was a shoe fitter. But with his undisputed talent, it was just a matter of time before Harwood was snatched up as a leading man. 


At the time he tried out for the part of Jamie, the soon-to-be breakout star didn't even have an agent! After a three-month audition process, he finally got word he landed it, actually getting offered it in person from the director. Harwood told us that the life-changing news was "a lot to process" and his emotions at the time were a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I think I screamed a bit," he recalled. "And then I was like, 'Can I call my mum?'"

After that initial reaction, some fear began to set in. "Then you go through a process of being terrified that you actually have to do it. And then the imposter syndrome kicks in, like, are you the right person? All of that sort of stuff," he said. However, through an extensive preparation process, which included working with acting, vocal (the film is a musical), and accent coaches, the multitalented actor proved he was the perfect person to take on the role. 


"Everybody's Talking About Jamie" is available globally on Amazon Prime Video.

