Biden Earns His The View Co-Host Seat With Shady Swat At Trump (Literally)

Although Joe Biden dropped out of the election in 2024, he didn't let that stop him from poking fun at his former opponent, Donald Trump. In a hilarious 2024 clip from "The View" shared on X, formerly Twitter, Biden earns his co-host seat with some very memorable shade. When Whoopi Goldberg describes Trump as "a bug, [who] just kept being there," Biden doesn't miss a beat and swats an imaginary insect on the desk in front of him. The studio audience erupts with laughter, and it's hard not to chuckle along with them. 


However, this shady swat wasn't just for show; Biden genuinely felt superior to Trump in terms of his ability to win the election and let that confidence show through his humor. In another segment from the episode, Biden says: "I never fully believed the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance of my running again ... I was confident. I would beat Trump." This appearance on "The View" is definitely memorable, but it's just one of many examples of Biden getting the last laugh. While Trump bullying Biden was a common occurrence during the president's brief 2024 run, Biden has gotten in plenty of his own digs over the years.

Joe Biden has never been afraid to throw shade at Donald Trump

Joe Biden's fly-swatting antics on "The View" pale in comparison to some of the shade he threw while still running for reelection. Throughout his final campaign, Biden rarely missed an opportunity to make snide remarks about Donald Trump, and he didn't mince his words. For example, when asked if he would attend Trump's inauguration if he lost the 2024 election, Biden didn't hesitate to subtly remind everyone that his opponent was absent from this all-important event in 2021. Instead, Biden swiped at Trump's petty behavior by saying that he would honor tradition and attend the inauguration regardless of who it was for: "I have good manners, not like him" (via The White House).


At the 2024 White House Correspondents' dinner, Biden took aim at Trump once again. When the audience applauded at the beginning of his speech, Biden jokingly said: "I want to thank you for the warm welcome, but please, not so loud; Donald is listening" (via NBC News). Later in the speech, he stuck the knife in even further: "I'm a grown man running against a six-year-old." That flippant remark tells us everything we need to know about how Biden really feels about Trump — no bug metaphor needed.

