Kimberly Guilfoyle Gives Disastrous Speech & Even Her Haters Are Embarrassed For Her

One of the most ardent supporters of Donald Trump's re-election efforts is Kimberly Guilfoyle, fiancée of Donald Trump Jr. While other family members may keep their distance — Ivanka Trump is uninterested in joining her father's campaign, for instance — Guilfoyle has wholeheartedly thrown herself into the fray. But a recent video indicates her efforts aren't always appreciated, even by the MAGA faithful.


The Republican Party of Florida held its annual dinner on September 7, and Guilfoyle was one of the featured speakers. Dressed in a party-appropriate red dress, she did her best to rouse the crowd with inspiring statements like: "Victory is in our sights. America's future is in our hands. America's destiny is in our control. And America's prosperity is in our hearts and souls." Guilfoyle let her voice crack with emotion, and at a couple of points, she crossed herself, as if to confirm God was on their side. 


Despite her best efforts, the audience's reception was lukewarm. One moment was particularly embarrassing as seen on X, formerly Twitter (above): Guilfoyle proclaimed, "We are ready. We are willing. And we are able to spark a new era of American exceptionalism!" She paused for a reaction; getting none, she prompted, "You can clap for that." Even with that encouragement, the applause was not what you would call deafening. 

Kimberly Guilfoyle's speech drew more pity than applause

For months, Donald Trump has fixated on the crowd size of his rallies, posted poll results putting him ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris, and bragged about the love he gets from both regular folks and celebs such as Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock. So Kimberly Guilfoyle's speech at the Florida Republican event should have been a satisfying moment for the other side. Yet many couldn't help feeling sorry seeing the former president's future daughter-in-law struggle to win over her audience. Meidas Touch's Ron Filipkowski admitted on X, "I actually feel bad for her a little bit. This is embarrassing." A Democrat commenter agreed: "Wow...While I do not like her, who she supports and what she stands for, I do feel bad for her... physically and mentally there is truly something not so good happening with her."


Other respondents weren't as moved. "Yeah...I felt bad for Kimmie too. For about 3 seconds and then I put down my glass," wrote a detractor. "I mean I would and I want to be a compassionate person but...naw she's too much," said another. There were remarks about her insincere performance and the overly red background of the stage, which created an intimidating vibe. Quite a few felt Guilfoyle knew exactly what she was getting into when she got involved with the divisive family, particularly after her marriage to California Gov. Gavin Newsom

One user invoked the classic Southern jab, "Oh, bless her heart!" They went on to say, "It's like watching a car crash in slow motion — you want to look away, but can't. Don't worry, the Democratic repair team is on standby!"


