JD Vance Picks Fight With Biden's Dog In Failed Attempt To Distract From Weirdo Criticism

Republicans and Democrats call each other all sorts of names. Sometimes they stick, sometimes they don't. In the case of JD Vance, the running mate of presidential hopeful Donald Trump, the weirdo label gifted to him by VP opponent Tim Walz has been like superglue. Before he even became Kamala Harris' partner in the campaign for The White House, Walz was calling out both Trump and Walz for actions that he deemed bizarre. Media and the public alike picked up on it and gleefully repeated the "weird" label, so much so that Vance felt compelled to criticize Walz as a schoolyard bully, and to invoke the "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" defense.


The Ohio senator has also tried other diversionary tactics to pull attention away from his weirdo status. On September 4, 2024, he re-posted a clip on X, formerly known as Twitter, that shows him about to board the Trump Vance airplane, escorted by his Secret Service detail. Vance is accompanied by his young son Vivek, who is holding the leash of the family's German Shepherd, Atlas. The caption read: "To everyone asking, I can confirm Atlas has bitten zero Secret Service agents. I've had dogs my whole life. Atlas isn't even 10 months old and is already an all-time great dog."


While the "Hillbilly Elegy" author didn't mention his name directly, Vance appeared to be alluding to reports that President Joe Biden's own German Shepherd, Commander, had bitten Secret Service agents multiple times before being relocated from The White House. And naturally, people had plenty to say about this latest attempt at creating a distraction.

The move didn't stop social media users calling Vance weird

Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential election on July 21. Despite that fact, plenty of X users have pointed out that with JD Vance's post on September 4, the vice-presidential candidate still seems to be putting up his dukes against the current president, with the Ohio senator's caption about dog-bitten Secret Service agents a direct missile. "Still running against Biden, eh?" wondered one while another admonished Vance, "President Biden is not your opponent anymore. Stay focused." Folks on X also honed in on how awkward the VP candidate looked around Atlas, failing to improve his man-dog connection since critics have already barked over Vance's weird dog-leash holding. Evidently, not even the sight of a cute, fluffy dog could nullify his status as a member of the weirdo gang. 


As one X user pointed out, "I see you're still trying to convince America that you're not the quirkiest weirdo around. It's just not working." They weren't the only one, with tons of other users noting that Vance's attempt to appear like a "normal" guy with a kid and a dog was completely unconvincing. As one commenter summed it up: "Still a weirdo." And while there were plenty of holes poked in Vance's attempt to appear normal, there was nothing but praise for his dog. In fact, more than one person argued that good-boy Atlas might have been a better choice to pick up donuts for the Ohio senator's entourage — less awkwardness and without a disastrous new haircut.

