How Fox News Subtly Shaded Kimberly Guilfoyle During The 2024 RNC

Kimberly Guilfoyle has not had great luck with her speeches at the Republican National Convention. Her 2020 RNC speech caused a buzz and was made into a meme online, with her loud delivery prompting a myriad of pop culture references. At 2024's convention, Donald Trump Jr.'s reaction to his fiancee Guilfoyle's speech didn't disprove rumors of a rocky relationship. Perhaps the shadiest moment surrounding Guilfoyle's 2024 RNC speech was when a Fox News broadcast turned its focus elsewhere as she was about to speak.


In a clip from Fox News uploaded to Mediaite, the station immediately cut to their own Johnny Belisario after Guilfoyle was introduced to give her speech. Instead of focusing on what she was saying, Belisario interviewed Republican delegates in the crowd. At one point, he even crouched down to pretend to interview a dog on the convention floor. Belisario asked the four-legged friend, "How are you feeling?" Referencing a disturbing story from Kristi Noem's book that had Trump supporters turning on her, Belisario told the dog, "Nope, Kristi Noem was the other night, so I think you should be good."

Guilfoyle has a tumultuous history with Fox

Kimberly Guilfoyle crossed paths with Fox News before in her professional life. She started working as a legal analyst for the network in 2006. She also guest-hosted some shows and became a co-host on "The Five" from 2011 to 2018. She left the network in 2018. And, although it was claimed to be her choice, the reported truth about Guilfoyle's Fox News exit contradicts that. In July 2018, six anonymous sources revealed Guilfoyle's bad behavior at work with HuffPost, one example being that Guilfoyle discussed sex and showed nude photos of men to coworkers.


An anonymous female assistant who worked closely with Guilfoyle reportedly dealt with much of Guilfoyle's sexual harassment. Sources for The New Yorker in 2020 shared what they knew about the assistant's experience. Guilfoyle allegedly wanted a thigh massage and even showed herself naked to the assistant, amongst other similar inappropriate behaviors.

That culminated in the assistant speaking up about Guilfoyle's misconduct during a sexual misconduct investigation at Fox, despite Guilfoyle reportedly trying to bribe her not to tell the truth and threatening her if she did. The assistant later sought compensation from Fox due to Guilfoyle's harassment. The details from the official complaint are unknown because of an NDA, but insiders said when the case was settled out of court, the assistant supposedly got over $4 million from Fox.


Guilfoyle denied that she did any of the reported behaviors

Kimberly Guilfoyle's attorney, John Singer, said in a statement, "Any accusations of Kimberly engaging in inappropriate workplace conduct are unequivocally baseless and have been viciously made by disgruntled and self-interested employees" (via HuffPost). He blamed people for lying about Guilfoyle for money and did not confirm any of the rumors.


When The New Yorker wrote about the assistant's official complaint a couple of years later, Singer did not comment, but Guilfoyle shared her own statement denying the accusations. However, one insider who used to work at Fox at the same time as Guilfoyle and her assistant told the outlet, "It was an insane, abusive relationship." They also said, "Rather than being a mentor, [Guilfoyle] was an afflictor."

It's unknown if Guilfoyle's past legal troubles tied to her time at Fox News had anything to do with their quick cutaway during the RNC coverage. Of course, it could have been a coincidence. Still, the Fox News switch-up is not the only snub seemingly aimed at the former attorney at the convention. Lara Trump seemed to shade Guilfoyle, too, by standing in front of her while cameras were rolling.


