Kate Middleton's Pre-Wedding Diet Caused Quite A Stir

Catherine, Princess of Wales' rumored pre-wedding diet sounds like a sure-fire way to turn into a total bridezilla. According to several publications, Kate Middleton adopted the Dukan diet in the time leading up to her 2011 nuptials to William, Prince of Wales. The strict eating method, which was created by Pierre Dukan, focuses on incorporating tons of protein into your diet while limiting carbohydrates to the bare minimum. WebMD notes that it consists of four stages, with each boasting a different set of food rules. In the first, or the "Attack" phase, you're restricted to eating only large quantities of lean protein and a negligible amount of oats. In the "Cruise" phase, the dieter incorporates selected vegetables into their meals on alternative days. Then, in the "Consolidation" period, the follower can finally treat themselves to some fruit, a little bit of bread, a handful of cheese, and perhaps even a complete meal of their choice.  


And finally, there's the "Stabilization" phase, which allows for total flexibility in your meals for the most part. However, once a week, a dieter must revert back to the harsh rules of the "Attack" stage. Needless to say, this highly restrictive diet isn't sustainable. In fact, in 2024, US News & World Report ranked Dukan as the third worst diet of the year, with one expert panelist decrying it as a "Classic fad diet; contrived nonsense, inattentive to nearly all of the amassed evidence regarding food for personal and planetary health" and stating firmly, "I can see no reason to recommend this to anyone."

Kate Middleton reportedly wasn't pleased with the results of her pre-wedding diet

Dietician Samantha Heller likewise warned Women's Health that the Dukan Diet isn't healthy because it heavily restricts carbohydrate intake, elaborating, "Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel for our brains, our exercising muscles and most of the cells in our bodies." Furthermore, she asserted that it's heavily focused on a quick transformation rather than creating habits conducive to a long-term healthy diet and balanced lifestyle. Registered dietician Brittany Lubeck similarly cautioned Forbes against the ill effects of overconsuming protein as the diet recommended. "Protein is more challenging for your body to break down and for your kidneys to filter, which causes them to have to work much harder. Protein intake that is too high can cause kidney damage," she pointed out. Ultimately, though, even Kate Middleton reportedly didn't think her pre-wedding dietary restrictions did her much good in the end. 


As her royal wedding date grew closer, an insider disclosed to Now magazine that Kate was actually aiming to gain weight before her big day because she was afraid her body shape wouldn't flatter the gown she had picked out (via the Daily Mail). The princess even enlisted her nutritionist to help her gradually incorporate more carbs into her daily meals. They also divulged that the royal family was concerned about Kate because of their past experiences watching Diana, Princess of Wales, struggle with bulimia. While she may have followed a fad diet to look a certain way for her highly-publicized wedding, Kate ultimately adopted a more balanced diet and exercise regime.

The Princess of Wales is a total foodie

Like most of us, Kate Middleton eats a wide variety of foods on a daily basis. A source once offered the Daily Mail some insight into the princess' go-to meals, sharing: "She drinks smoothies morning and afternoon, containing spirulina, kale, matcha (a finely ground green tea powder), spinach, romaine, cilantro and blueberries." They also noted that Kate loves to unwind in the evenings with some Chardonnay white wine. Further, as reported by Hello! magazine, when Kate met Matthew Kleiner-Mann, chief executive of Ivy Learning Trust, in 2019, she told him all about how much she cherished the mac and cheese that her kids made for her. Meanwhile, in 2012, Vanity Fair confirmed that Kate loved cooking up a roast chicken for her date nights with William, Prince of Wales. 


Previously, chef Rody Warot, who worked at a restaurant that the royal couple frequented, revealed to People that their sticky toffee pudding had a particularly special place in Kate's heart. It certainly seems like Kate and William's three children inherited her sweet tooth too. The Princess of Wales once confessed to legendary chef Mary Berry that she had a special ritual for their birthdays: "I love making the cake. It's become a bit of a tradition that I stay up 'til midnight with ridiculous amounts of cake mix and icing and I make far too much. But I love it," (via Hello! magazine). While the Dukan diet may not have a place in Kate's life anymore, it will always have a special spot on the list of royal diets that almost nobody wants to try.


