Paula Deen Is Nearly Unrecognizable 11 Years After Being Dropped By Food Network

Recent photos of Paula Deen have been causing quite a stir online, with internet users astonished by the former Food Network star's major transformation. While Deen's brand was cultivated back in the 2000s by her motherly aura and rich, southern cuisine, her multi-million dollar empire was toppled by accusations of racism. In 2013, the Georgia native was sued by former employee Lisa Jackson for sexual harassment and racial discrimination.


While the lawsuit was ultimately dismissed, Deen's brand was damaged by the revelation that she condoned racially-charged jokes in the workplace, desired to hire Black employees to roleplay as slaves during a wedding, and used racial slurs in the past. These admissions prompted major brands to cut ties with the TV personality, causing one of the wealthiest Food Network stars at the time to be swiftly removed from the network. Despite her fall from grace, Deen has continued making content as a Southern chef, although on a notably smaller scale. However, she looks much different then she did during the height of her success as you can see below.


Side-by-side comparisons of the cookbook author have been making the rounds on X, formerly Twitter, and people can't believe what Deen looks like now. "I came across her YouTube channel and I didn't even recognize her!" one user wrote. "She's damn near 80 and most likely a diabetic," another reasoned.

Paula Deen has talked about weight loss and diabetes in the past

Though we don't know the details of Paula Deen's current situation, the former Food Network host has talked about her diabetes diagnosis and weight loss journey in the past. She revealed that she had type 2 diabetes in 2012, a diagnosis she received three years earlier. The admission was controversial at the time, as many people pointed to the fatty and fried foods continually showcased on her shows as the catalyst for her health condition. While diet can contribute to the development of diabetes, it isn't the only factor at play.


Following her diagnosis, Deen committed to pursuing a healthier lifestyle at the time of the announcement and partnered with Novo Nordisk, the drug company that manufactures the diabetes drug Victoza. The southern chef headlined their "Diabetes in a New Light" campaign and was joined on the campaign by her sons, Jamie and Bobby, as they promoted the diabetes drug alongside healthy meals and habits.

In 2015, Deen shared her personal celebrity chef tips for staying thin when she appeared on "The Doctor Oz Show," explaining that she had lost 35-40 pounds following her diagnosis. "I went home to my kitchen and I threw out everything that was white," she said (per Good Housekeeping). "White bread, white rice, white potatoes, and white pasta." While Deen maintained this habit for a few months, she reportedly kept the weight off afterward by moderating her proportions.


Paula Deen is still cooking

Despite exiting the Food Network under a cloud of controversy and looking noticeably slimmer than her heyday as the face of southern cooking, Paula Deen is still working hard in the kitchen. At the time of this writing, she's continued to serve up cooking tips on her YouTube channel where Deen's drastic transformation was first spotted. She's also still working in TV albeit for a much smaller audience than the Food Network.


Over on Fox Nation, you'll find Paula on her streaming show "At Home with Paula Deen" where she's doing what she does best: Sharing recipes and cutting it up with guests with her southern charm. Speaking of recipes, Deen is still putting out cookbook after cookbook, but since her diabetes diagnosis, don't expect her to go as heavy on the buttah, sugah. She's keeping it healthy as exemplified by her new look that has social media buzzing.

