Donald Trump's 78th Birthday Plans Are Totally Predictable (& Pretty Sad)

June 14, 2024, is Donald Trump's 78th birthday. A psychologist spoke with The List about why Donald's birthday could be hard on his youngest son, Barron Trump. However, as of this writing, Donald's publicized birthday plans don't include time with family. Instead, he's spending his birthday with a gaggle of supporters that paid to be there. Club 47 is a fan club for Donald in Florida. In West Palm Beach on June 14, they're throwing a ticketed birthday event for Donald that the former president will attend and speak at. Larry Snowden, the president of Club 47, told AP News ticket prices ranged from approximately $35 to $60. The event sold out, and there are expected to be 5,000 attendees.


Lydia Maldonado, who has been to other Club 47 events before, told AP News she was looking forward to Donald's birthday celebration. "The purpose of having this event is pretty much to let him know how much the community here loves him and how much the community supports him," she said. As nice as that sentiment is, why is Donald choosing a speaking engagement over time with his loved ones?

It's predictable that a person like Donald wants nothing but to be revered on his birthday. But it's also sad that someone would rather be around yes-men than friends and family.

Does Donald Trump like his birthday?

Birthdays in the Trump family don't have a great track record since Donald Trump has snubbed his daughter, Tiffany Trump, on some of her birthdays. Also, Donald himself may not be too happy about turning 78 years old. According to CNN, a few days prior to his birthday, at a speech in Las Vegas, Donald's fans sang him "Happy Birthday," and he replied, "There's a certain point at which you don't want to hear 'Happy Birthday.' You just want to pretend the day doesn't exist."


On June 13, 2024, Donald visited Capitol Hill and was surprised with impromptu pre-birthday celebrations from Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate. When the Senators sang "Happy Birthday" and brought out a birthday cake for the former president, it notably didn't have candles for his age. Instead, it had candles reading "45" and "47" due to his previous position as the 45th president and his hopes to be the 47th president if he wins in 2024. A video of that moment was shared on X, formerly Twitter.

It's possible that Donald is having a Club 47 birthday event because he wants to focus on his presidential campaign and not on the passage of time. However, he used age in a bizarre ploy for pity following his guilty verdict in the hush money trial, contradicting things he's said before about how he still feels young.


